On 20 December 2017, Mini-workshop on Protein Biophysics under the title of “Interplay between Experiments and Theories” was held at the Graduate School of Science Building No. 1.
At first, Professor Gary J. Pielak, University of North Carolina, gave a lecture entitled “Protein biophysics in living cells”. You can see his abstract in the mini-workshop announcement page.
Then, Dr Yuji Sugita of Riken gave a talk on “Atomistic simulations of macromolecular crowding effects”, followed by another lecture by Prof Pielak about “Tardigrade proteins & desiccation tolerance”. The last talk was given by Mr George Pantelopulos of Boston University about “Structure of APP-C99 1-99 and Implications for its Role in Amyloidogenesis”.
This event was hosted by Professor Shoji Takada, Biological Sciences.

Prof Gary J. Pielak, University of North Carolina

Mini-workshop host, Prof Takada